The Gladue Court is a specialized court in London, Ontario for offenders with an Aboriginal background. If you are accepted into Gladue Court, you will appear before a judge in a non-traditional courtroom setting. For example, Gladue Court judges do not wear robes, and they sit at a ground level table, rather than at the bench. Gladue Court judges also have special training and have been made aware of the unique factors impacting Aboriginals in Canada.
While hearing your matter, the Gladue Court judge must take into consideration the “Gladue principles”, which come from the Criminal Code and an important case called R. v. Gladue. The Gladue principles focus on systemic harm to Aboriginal groups, such the residential school system, the impacts of which still affect Aboriginal people today. Gladue Court judges will consider your background as an Aboriginal offender in your matter. Specifically, the Gladue principles state that Gladue Court judges should consider all possible alternatives to imprisonment when determining your sentence.
You may have the opportunity to meet with a Gladue Court worker, who will draft a pre-sentencing report based on your history and experiences. Even if the Court does not order a report to be made, you can still rely on the Gladue principles in Gladue Court.
Need more information on the Gladue Court? Contact DeMelo Law for a consultation.